Every day new challanges arise. Sometimes they are given to us or we create them ourselves. We chase dreams, we reach goals, we beat deadlines. The tasks may be very small, such as doing home chores, or something big such as coordinating a team of people to work together in a project.
In the middle of all this we may lose our sight. A common mistake is to concentrate on the goal and forget what is around it. The thing we need to really concentrate on are the steps that lead us to our destination.
For example, imagine that you want a flower and you have a seed. What are your options? You cannot force the seed to become a flower. However, you can create the best possible situation for the seed. If you give it water, sun, time and proper nutritions, it may become a beautiful flower. When you shift your aim from the flower itself to its needs and to the enviroment, it broadens the perspective. More options become availabe and prioritizing becomes easier. The beauty and joy of the flower in bloom may be given to you but it becomes just a small part of the process. If it doesn't happen, it doesn't matter because you've given it your best and this in itself always more rewarding than any goal.
Forcing something only brings anxiety to everyone and even if the goal is reached by doing so, it will leave a bad taste in your mouth. It becomes a hollow accomplishment, a negative memory that will not be cherished but rather forgot by you and everyone around you.
We cannot just directly wish our dreams to become reality but we can affect our surroundings. We cannot create success but we can create the best possible situation for something like that to happen. Shift your aim from the goal to the things that make it possible. When you've created the best possible enviroment for something to happen, it allows you to relax, observe and enjoy the process.